Popular House Cleaning Tips for New Homeowners

House Cleaning Tips for New Homeowners

So you finally bought your dream home. You moved in, painted the walls, furnished it with your own personal style, and now it’s time to take care of all those pesky little details that are so hard to remember when you’re packing to move into a new home. This is when being a new homeowner can get tricky: there are so many things to remember at once that even the smallest tasks can seem overwhelming. But don’t worry, we have your back! Here are some helpful home cleaning tips for new homeowners that will have your house sparkling in no time.

Rotate your home’s furnishings

This tip might be obvious to some homeowners and cleaning professionals, but it’s a good idea to rotate your couch cushions and rugs every few years. Rotating the furniture in your home will prolong the life of your items and keep your house looking fresh.

Washing your rugs and couch cushions will extend their life and keep your house looking nice and clean. If you have expensive furniture, use a professional post construction cleaning in Jersey City, NJ to keep your items in good condition.

Wash your windows (and clean the frames too!)

One of the best things about owning your own home is you get to decide when to wash your windows. While you don’t want to overdo it, washing the windows can help you to declutter your home and make it feel more organized and spacious. To wash your windows, you’ll need a squeegee and a spray bottle filled with a solution of warm water and dish soap.

Start by washing the outside of the windows, then move on to the inside. Be sure to clean the frames of the windows too, as they often collect a lot of dust and dirt. If you have trouble reaching the top of the windows, you can use a stepladder or a chair with a towel on the seat to protect the glass. Always wear gloves when cleaning windows to avoid getting cuts.

Declutter and organize your belongings

Before you start deep cleaning your home, take some time to declutter and organize your belongings. This will help you to better focus on cleaning and will make it easier to put things back where they belong. Start by going through your closet and drawers to remove items you don’t use anymore. Consider donating large piles of clothing and other items you don’t use to charity; so many people struggle to find places to donate their unwanted items. Organize your home by putting items back where they belong, whether that’s in a dresser drawer or in a cabinet. This will help you to easily find things when you need them and will make your home feel less cluttered and chaotic.

Deep clean your kitchen and bathrooms

Now that you’ve decluttered and organized your belongings, it’s time to deep clean the areas in your home that get a lot of daily use. Start with the kitchen and bathrooms. Start with the kitchen. Clean out your cabinets by removing all of your plates, glasses, and pots and pans. Clean all of your cabinets, drawers, and countertops, and wash your dishes. Washing the dishes is a great way to de-clutter the sink while you’re at it.

Once they’re clean, put all of your plates, glasses, and pots and pans away where they belong. This will help your kitchen feel organized and decluttered. Next, move on to the bathrooms. Clean and organize your bathroom cabinets, and clean your sink, toilet, and shower and bathtub if you have one. Use cleaning products to scrub grout lines, clean your toilet, and remove any scum from your bathtub and other fixtures.

Maintain a tidy home with regular vacuuming and dusting

Even though you’re cleaning your home from top to bottom, it’s important to maintain a regular cleaning routine. You should vacuum your floors at least once a week, and dust and clean your surfaces at least once a week as well. If you have kids or pets in your home, you’ll want to increase this frequency. Vacuuming your floors will help to keep them looking and feeling cleaner and will remove allergens and dust that accumulates throughout the week. Regularly dusting your surfaces will help to keep them free of dust and allergens and make them look cleaner.


Now that your new home is clean and tidy, you can focus on enjoying it! Once you’ve mastered these home cleaning tips for new homeowners, you’ll find that keeping your home clean is easier than you might have thought. Now go enjoy your newly clean home! Keep in mind that there’s no such thing as having too clean of a house. Your home should be a place that you love spending time in, so don’t be afraid to spend the time it takes to keep it clean and tidy. Your house will thank you for it!